Summer Nature Reflections (NaPoWriMo 2024)

By Daniel Paiz

It appears that nature-themed poems are becoming a trend for this writer, and you’ll just have to get used to it. This go-round, there are a few references outside the realm of creatures and nature and such, but they’re quick. This is a good way to ease back into writing stuff that isn’t sports focused, as the past month has been a lot of that.

Summer Nature Reflections might become a series, or it might just be this one piece; only time will tell.

Summer Nature Reflections

As there’s no more Jester dribbling spectacular dark energy,

getting outside to touch some grass seems to be key.

A pocaire gaoithe seems to be wind frolicking,

excuse me as I table mesa that description poorly.

Nesting under the clouds,

fueling rest as droplets stay poised to not fall,

envisioning surroundings before bounding off agile.

Leads one to seek turloughs,

hydration collecting,

under the surface before quietly overflowing.

Depths not miles’ deep, purveying the seas,

cruising Fin whale status so effortlessly.

Casting glances all about from a hollowed home,

Marten tendencies lead to burrowing until darkness grows.

Perhaps these visions are a bit too terra,

time to rotate one’s views like Rubin comma Vera.


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