Earth Day (Poem #22, NaPoWriMo 2024)

By Daniel Paiz

Earth Day is here and celebrated globally on this blue marble of ours, and is the focus of this NaPoWriMo post. This day is meant to bring awareness to the current state of Earth to people, especially those who are making the biggest impact (which is routinely not a good one). There’s all kinds of technology to capture images from space, as well as recording weather and natural occurrences across the globe. Getting outside today should be a minimum think to do, as well as learning more about what can be done to reverse what’s happening to the planet.

Earth Day

Whether it’s GOES or POES, there’s quite a picture that’s stirring,

spinning quicker than this blue marble,

is the impact humans have made,

it’s kind of churning.

distasteful, disrespectful,

generally, kind of cruel,

lucrative for a few greedy hands

has the rest of us drowning in oil,

a weighed down populace treated as overburdened mules.

What’s important,

is each one doing a part to try and regenerate plants and creatures,

efforts made should be our best,

knowing full well powers at be wealth-wise see this,

and gag, bark, and detest despite claiming to be leaders.

Land, sky, sea, and dirt will all reclaim what’s around us anyway,

smugly egotistical to think,

human beings will thwart Mother Nature for our entire foray,

as this blue marble will snow globe us,

and shake up daily life,

quite possibly ending our experience here,

because we first chose to reduce our existence,

collecting coins while giving up life.

Water vapor imagery from GOES-18 of an atmospheric river impacting the western U.S. on Feb. 20, 2024. (Image credit: NOAA/CIRA)

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